Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Potential Reasons - Why Do Project Fail and How Project Managers Can Prevent?


The principle aim of this article is to identify and explore multiple dimensions of project failures during the entire life of project execution. Many projects fail, especially IT projects. The only way that companies can get better at performing projects is by learning from projects they have carried out. There are small things which can decide fate of project. These all in project management practice and research, has been to see it as a threat and as something that should, if possible, be neutralized, reduced and followed.


In a perfect world every project would be "on time and within budget." But reality (especially the proven statistics) tells a very different story. It's not uncommon for projects to fail. Even if the budget and schedule are met, one must ask -

Question - "Did the project deliver the results and quality we expected?"

Answer to this question could be different in different perspective. There is no single method or organizational structure that can be used to manage projects to success. Project failure can happen in any organization and to any project.

There are many reasons why projects (both simple and complex) fail; the number of reasons can be infinite and can fit into different phase of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), initiation through go live. Sometimes it's out of the control of a project manager and/or the team members. Sometimes failure is controllable. Failed projects and people involved with the failure have some things in common. I have tried to draft few critical and most basic reasons based on my experience for project failure and may differ project to project.

From outside view, it could be that all reason will roll up to project manager's responsibility and accountability however from my perspective it should be collective responsibility.

Here are the some of the common reasons why project fails - based on my experience.

1. Incompetent Project Manager

First possible cause of project failure is the project manager. A project manager who helps steer the project in a timely fashion and provides sound, inspiring leadership can go a long way toward bringing about a successful project. Reasons like "an incompetent project manager" "project manager unwilling to make decisions," "project problems ignored", "poor management by the project leader," "loss of control by the project manager," and "the failure of the project manager to delegate", "working as only as coordinator" are most important reason given for project failure.

Read More: Potential Reasons - Why Do Project Fail and How Project Managers Can Prevent?

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